Khmer cultural village resort

        All Countries in the world have a lot scenery art  Culture or beautiful place but beautiful place of some countries was build by human and some was born by natural life,so now we want to inform you about one place that look amazing in Cambodia .
       Khmer Cultural village resort is one of popular place and beautiful place in it's location is in Siem Reap Province in Cambodia. it is so amazing place ,has a lot of collection culture of Cambodian (Khmer culture) Flower garden,statue,painting....etc  .it can make foreigner or national human glad with this place especially when you go back you will never forget this place 
     Khmer cultural village resort always free for woman or discount on woman right days(8th march of years ) this place always build new scenery every years .this reason can attract all human want to visit every time .
     As i was detail on top i hope all human still want to know about my cultural and love all Khmer culture especially if you come to Siem Reap or come to Cambodia don't forget go to Khmer Cultural village resort .


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